Titanium and more sale…

I will start this off just looking for interest and send me a reasonable offer. I have more to sale…


I can vouch for Matt. Good people.

Sorry, I forgot the “Richard” runner :wink:

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What is the one on the bottom-left? Imperial shape. Some kind of Luftverk?

It is the imperial copy from luftverk, yes.


Is that Edge Infinity or Beyond? How much are you asking? Thanks!

Ahh that thing was expensive for what it is. Tempted me several times but never could stomach the cost.

It definitely looks more intriguing to me than the AL Imperial.

It is a cool concept. It can be customized internally to a bearing or bushing. It can play like a traditional imperial. Obviously you could do a wider non responsive bearing as well

I need some help from some of the veterans here on the forum. Tell the story of the D***runner. This was definitely one of my my favorite yo-yos

Edge infinity sold

I don’t know all the details, but Jordan Blofield (sp) wanted to remake the Ti Walker. I don’t think he got Heath’s blessing nor did he have the exact dimensions so this is what we ended up with. Great player if you ask me.

Compared to the Ti Vayder which was meant to be an exact remake. I know for a fact codinghorror used two Ti Walkers to get the dimensions as close as possible to the original (I loaned him my Ti Walker).

Kraken is sold.


Make some offers. Don’t be mean though :wink: I need some cash sometime this month.

I bought that kraken from matt. He’s top notch. Buy with confidence.

Thanks bro!

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