Ti Triton latest version

I always loved the OG Tritons. So I bought the first prototype a while back but this was so far away from the feeling of the OG that I stopped follow the development. What are peoples thoughts on the latest version?
I am specially interested in people who also played the OG a lot and can compare them.
Thanks in advance

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I haven’t played the OG or the final production Ti version, but I’ve played protos #1, #2, and #3, and #3 is quite a bit different than proto #1. Faster, more power, better spin time.
My understanding is the production run is “better” even than #3, a bit more weight on the rims.

I know that’s not super helpful and I hope someone else chimes in, but I did want to say that I’m 100% sure the first prototype is not a great indicator of whether or not you’ll like the production run.


production actually has less rim weight than #3.

v2 added 1.0g
v3 added another half a gram, widened the gap, and added more ridges
production reduced by 0.25g and kept gap/ridges

Sadly I too have not played an OG, nor have I played the production but my V2 is one of my all time favorites lol


Thanks. Yeah I hoped for some major improvements since V1 was mhhhh. Maybe I should give it a try since I love the OG and good successor would be great.

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Thanks man for listing the changes, that gives me rough feeling how to compare them.

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You’re very welcome!

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V1 proto was unfortunately meh. Production is fantastic. You will love it if you can find it.


Sounds good. Since there is a production run now I guess you where also happy with the result now. Would you say it has similar characteristics as the OG or was this never the goal?

More of a modernized triton. It’s hard to switch to Titanium them say you wanted to mimic the AL version.


Thanks. I am sure it’s nice now after all the iterations. I guess I will simply try when I stumble upon one.


Yeah. It stinks that it took 3 different sets of changes to land where I wanted it.

I can imagine it was a bit frustrating, but I guess it proofs the high standard of your products. I am happy you kept up that attitude for so many years.