Throws on throws - Yoyorecreation, Brass Wisteria, OhYesYo and more!

Hello! Looking to part with a couple throws here. I’d like to keep shipping to US only.

Any of the ones that say they have damage or dings, I can send some pictures of the damage, just didn’t want to clutter this post up too much. In most cases it’s very minor.
My “vibe” scale is as follows (subjective, so please take with a grain of salt):

  • Smooth - can’t or can barely tell it’s spinning
  • Minimal - can tell it’s spinning, but only a little
  • Sleight - a small amount of fingernail vibe
  • Some - a decent amount of fingernail vibe, but still not vibey on the string


  • Muse
  • Top Deck
  • Monoke
  • Endgame
  • Reaper

1 hour Bump for a great guy and great prices!


Free bump for a good dude. Have dealt with him in the past, zero issues.

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Bump it up!

Pmd about 2sick

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Anyone need a yoyo? Eh?.. eh?..


How about take $10 off (almost) any two? Eh? eh? There are some good ones in there.

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Dang. Still some nice deals here.

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Can I interest anyone in a new (used) yoyo?


I’ll be trying to get that reaper when i get paid monday :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

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Heyo! If you’re still interested, it’s still available.

Bump! There’s still some good stuff available!

Bump. I love the spreadsheet


Just got my reaper and other throw in the mail and im in love 11/10 seller. The pics made the fd look pink but was very pleasantly surprised when i saw it was actually red

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That got there quick! I’m glad you like it!


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