True. YYE doesn’t accurately represent every yoyoer out there. YYE is more of an advanced yoyoer site.
I think it does cater to all levels. Most players tend to advance up the trick checklist, and in time they become advanced. There’s tons of beginners here though.
Really throwing is probably the same difference as doodling would be (brain activity wise), next time someone gives you static just reference this article
True, but if you select a handful of some of the active members on this site, chances are they’re advanced. Most people are better than me on this site. There are beginners, like Foofy, who recently started, but look in any thread, and most people who post can do pretty advanced tricks.
Yoyoing is very productive for me. I produce a lot of intangibles with the yoyo. Personal relaxation, tranquility, flow, hand-eye coordination, dexterity, etc. Also, people love me at parties.
Well that is not your average video game. But you do have a point.
yes sir!
thats kind of a stupid thing to say honestly^^ why would you read a book? why would you watch a movie? why would you paint something as a hobby. basicelly every hobby is completely useless… except no hobby is useless, it keeps you happy, and busy.
a so extremely skill based hobby as yoyoing is even better than that, it gives you something to work for, and makes you think and practice.
i hate it when people say stuff like this… those are most of the time the people that watch TV 4 hours a day and then they complain that others do something “unproductive”??? i get so mad everytime someone is that stupid… even tho the people that say that arent gonna read this xD still i hate those people
It’s nothing to get mad at. It’s human nature to discount what one doesn’t understand. The accusation that something isn’t productive provides the accuser the false impression that he/she is more productive. Isn’t it unproductive to waste your time telling someone what they are doing isn’t productive? I don’t know. If your mom gets you to take out the garbage after she tells you yoyoing isn’t productive maybe she has a point. Maybe she just doesn’t feel like being productive herself but feels better if you are productive.
I seem to be losing the gest of this, confusing myself. I better do something productive/nonproductive whatever yoyoing is, it’s just fun.