Thoughts on the CLYW BOY

so what are yalls thoughts on the boy from CLYW, I really want it for my competition throws but the only thing im worried about is the wight, im a fast player in comps so I want to know if it plays light.


I have one and I love it however I am not a competition player so I don’t know how much you would like it. It does feel lighter however than it’s actual weight.


Its heavier than the AC2 but its floaty, I like very good for slower paced techy, I’m sure u can push it fast, personally I just dont use it as a fast throw cause doesnt seem like its got that but maybe I’ll try it now

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Personally the best new clyws for competition is the BOY and Borealis 2 from what I’ve tried


does CLYW still make the Borealis 2? I’m guessing because Zach is returning to competing they are.


I dont think so but they won’t be hard to find on the bst


I have 2 actually but i dont think I wanna sell either but I’ll let you know if I change my mind

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@FrankieJR has one for sale in a sick splash. FS: Monkey fingeR, offroad handover, CLYW BOY

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im not looking to buy one now, I was just wondering how it plays for the wight its at, but thanks for letting me know this

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I asked Ayumi himself, he said he can go fast with it himself so I’m sure you should be fine

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