This or That Game

Didn’t know what either of them were, so I checked Youtube. Of the two mixes I skimmed through (each an hour long) I preferred Nightcore because the rap segments weren’t bad.

Would you rather be a Tylosaurus or a Quetzalcoatlus?


Lots of free time and minimal money or full time career with little free time (adulthood problems)

Per the rules, you have to answer the last question posed in the thread. You can answer the next one and re-post your question if you like.

Quetzalcoatlus, because it’s better looking to me.

Which is a more inspirational quote?

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. –Mark Twain


There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. –Aristotle

Mark Twain.

Prototype yoyos or Final run yoyos

Final run but some protos are extremely fun.

What planet d you like more
Saturn or jupiter?

My mistake I must have hit new instead of the last page woops!

Soda or seltzer water?

I’d call that seltzer water.

Do you say the word Finance…

(fie-nance) or (fin-ance)


East Coast or West Coast?

East coast in the house!

Would you rather live on a busy public street, or a dead end private street?

Dead end private street,solitude is rarely with comfort,so when it is its nice.

broken knee? or a broken ankle?

broken ankle only immobilizes the ankle, the knee immobilizes the knee and ankle.
1st in 3 non-1a divisions or first in a non-1a division and in 1a.

I’ll take the latter, with the 1A spot. It includes the division I know the most about at this point.

Do you call them…

Sneakers or tennis shoes?

sneakers. tennis shoes refer to shoes tennis players wear.

have a parrot that bites but speaks fluently and whistles a lot, or have a mute parrot that is friendly and playful

id rather have a mute parrot
would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or funeral?

definitely my wedding always say that your life and existence is weighed by the amount of people that show up to my funeral,i hope my funeral is packed,im getting cremated so no burial for me.

Uno or yahtzee?

I don’t even like people who talk too much, so I’ll go with the friendly mute. :smiley:

Your analog wristwatch, do you prefer…

A white face or a black face?

Black face, although it depends on the other colors on it.
I like high-contrast.

If you answer, per the rules, post a question for the next game entry. :slight_smile:

New question:

Sugar or a sweetener like Splenda, Equal or Sweet n Low?