This or That Game

Bananas. I love grapes, but a banana is like a meal if you are hungry and just can’t get a meal in. Banana will stick to your ribs. :wink:

Jeans…which looks better:

Really tight, or really baggy?

On me? I’m a really thick guy so I like baggy. But on really skinny people if they can pull it off then tight can look amazing.

Stepping on a lego or getting a papercut? (Hard one!)

Papercut. No question. Stepping on Legos is like walking on knives.

When dressing up formally…

Bowties or straight ties?

Straight ties, i look good ina monkey suit XD

FLamingo or Vulture?


Never yoyo or never listen to music

never listen to music,throwing is way more of stress reliever .and more fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Glasswork or metalwork?

Wow, I’d choose music big time. :-\ I’ll say glass work. Glass just looks prettier to me.

Over the ear headphones or ear buds?

over ear, specifically my skullcandy mixmasters.

nutella vs peanut butter

Peanut Butter

Thanos or Darkseid?

Nutella. Good on sandwiches and plain and anything else.

Farting or burping as grosser?

Farting probably. I never found burping to be gross… Then again I am 16.

Cooler pet: parrot(talking) or snake?

The parrot the at eats the snake lol. Parrot
Repeats that you haven’t seen or new.

Skateboard or bike

Skateboarding! Just put together a complete:

Deck: Almost: Rodney (Wizard) never released apparently.

Trucks: Independent

Wheels: Spitfire

Bearings: Reds

Per game rules, please don’t answer, unless you have a new game entry to keep things going. Now, because there is nothing to answer, :stuck_out_tongue: here’s a new question:

Who was more interesting to watch…
Letterman or Leno?

when i was a kid with no cable leno was always funnier, but when i got older,letterman was alot better.

Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy?

Leon Kennedy

Earl Sweatshirt or Tyler, The Creator

Tyler the Creator…

For the old schoolers.  Best TV theme song that tells a story:

The Brady Bunch or Gilligan’s Island?  :smiley:

Gilligan’s Island, I end up humming it when I’m bored.

Never have to eat or never have to drink?

Never have to drink. I enjoy food too much, and it’s so much more interesting than things to drink.

Better on your windows:

Mini Blinds or Shades (roll up kind)?