This or That Game


Goldfish cuz I liek cheez ;D

Sail boat or air plane?

Sail boat

Reeses or butterfinger

Hmmmm Reeses But Butter finger is right behind

Butter or Penut butter?

Peanut butter
Plastic or paper?

Depends on what its being used for…

Plastic for some things.
Paper for others.

Cant really answer that one :confused:

Kitty String, Or blueprint?

Kitty String Right now but Ive never Tried BluePrint

Speghetti Or Mac And Cheese?

Oooh close… Id say kitty for their wider range of colors and types.

Bees or spiders?

Spaghetti. I hate mac and cheese.

Bees or spiders?


I guess spiders. Spider scare the life out of me. But bees sting.

I’m gonna do it!

Jensen or Hiroyuki

That Questions already been asked but


Ipad or Ipad Mini?

Well, I’m kinda on an iPad mini. So, iPad mini!

Buy a Sodastream or make one

(Just look up DIY trying on YouTube. Look for the channel. Then you can see how to make a homemade soda stream. My dad and I are making one!)

I’d rather make one to be thrifty, but I’d never use it because I don’t drink carbonated beverages.

Neapolitan ice cream or spumoni?

havent heard of second one. Neapolitan.

Dragons or dinosaurs?


Suzuki or Chuck?

Suzuki wins again.

Instagram or Facebook?


Hard one- Mike Montgomery or Zammy


Suzuki or Harley?


Coke or Pepsi?

Coke, but I am tired of both haha!

Element 93, or Uranium?