This or That Game


More impressive
11 assists vs 11 rebounds

11 rebounds

(I like your sports idea) Soccer wise
11 shots that ricochet (yoyo) off the crossbar or 11 assists.

11 assists

Least likely to happen
10 straight strike outs or 5 straight home runs.

That is a hard one. Probably 5 straight home runs, but it all depends on the pitcher and batter.

no this or that for zorro i guess…

When you are at home do you walk around with Socks on or with your socks off?

both, socks off most of the time
math or science


Alabama or Auburn?

Georgia go dawgs. If I had to pick I would go with Bama even though they looked mediocre last night. Auburn got whooped by Texas A&M as well.

College football or NFL

Personally I prefer college.

Both are really fun to watch, but NFL is the better imo.

Death by punching or death by tickling (both can be pretty painful)

ill def take the death by punching i can get knocked out b4 i die, and i had lung surgery si tickls to the ribs are very painful X_X maybe if they tickled my feet till i die,i may take that though

vacation in japan or vacation in Italy?

Well, if it’s the summer of next year and I can go to the WYYC, Japan, but any other time, I would say Italy.

Newborn Babies or 2-year old toddlers? (which is cuter)

Toddlers. (Most) Babies just cry, toddlers do hilarious stuff all the time.

Big dogs or little dogs?

Medium ???

YYF Mystery Box vs. Too Hot

I’d take a YYF Mystery Box. More of a value and you can sell the items inside if you don’t want them and you can buy a Too Hot with that money. Actually, it might even come with a Too Hot. You never know for sure.

Snickers or Butterfingers

Ooh I like both, but butterfingers.

M&M’s or skittles?

M&M’s because I have a serious chocolate addiction.

Talk backwards or walk backwards?

Walk backwards, I think it’s easier.

Your yo-yos…

Solid or Floaty?

TA only talks about yoyos :smiley:

I have to say Solid but able to go fast.

Turkey Bacon or Pig Bacon?

Bacon bacon

Miley Cyrus vs Adele

Adele. I would choose anybody over Miley Cyrus.

Donuts or Cinnamon Buns