This can be closed please.
Reserving for edits.
I’ll take the Heterogeneity!!!
Buy two get a discount and $20 off another yoyo. I ship and communicate quick
Cleaned up post, prices dropped pretty aggressively on almost everything. I do discounts on multiples. The more you buy the more you get discounted. Buy two and get a a discount on that. Buy a third and get $20 off of it. Buy a fourth and get $25 off it, and so on.
Also looking to trade for a few things, I will trade in your favor.
Also looking to buy
Awoken Anubis
Black Palp ES
Let me know
Free bump! This dude is awesome, buy a yo-yo from him!
Cleaned up the post. Prices dropped again on pretty much everything. Let me know
Cleaned up the post again. Not much left. Next two buyers get an Essence or Mono Stage for free.
Make me offers, etc.
Stuff still available. Let me know. I ship quick and I’m pretty nice
Can confirm, ships quick, and is indeed nice.
Stuff still available, let me know
Stuff still available, etc
Prices lowered again.
Pls buy I want different yoyos. Will also trade in your favor for Fractals and Kagerous
Stuff still available
Just a few more left, would loved to get these sold
Stuff still available
Only a few remain!
Take everything for $750 today
Stuff still available