The "What's in the YYF Mystery Box" Thread (2011)

I probably sound dumb saying this but whats a 2.0, I’m sorta new to this whole yoyoing thing.

the 2.0 is a yoyofactory yoyo comparable to the yuuksta and g funk in price and playability

woah it looks cool. I was lucky enough to snag a mystery box so i hope i get one of these. Thanks.

I hope people weren’t expecting anything too amazing in the mystery box. They are grab bags. They usually contain stuff that doesn’t sell. I thought this year was going to be “that much better”. But it turns out to be about the same. It’s basically a clearance box. Remember that next year. Last year I got a small bearing Hectic (cool), a glow dienasty (cool), an undeniable dvd, a fast yoyo holster, and some stickers. Although neat, it’s all stuff that hasn’t sold well.

People were expecting things like the Avant Garde, Neon Collection, Multitools, ect. It’s fun to dream, but these things don’t need to be clearanced out.


you most likely will unless a FEW boxes contain somthing differant.

SWEET! Is the yoyo actually called the 2.0? I want to look up the specs.

if yoyofactory were to put like supernovas or mvps in these they would just lose money along with mvps and supernovas that were going to sell, but the 2.0 is probley sitting on a target shelf rotting because a kid walking buy looks oh 65 bucks, why would you spend that much on a yoyo and walk off. by getting rid of yoyos that dont sell they are not losing money obviously because no one was going to a one.

yes the 2.0
specs are


width- 40mm

weight- 63.3 grams


Dude, I cannot tell you how more untrue your statement is. The 2.0s were not put up in places like Wal-Mart, pretty sure yoyofactory sold them in hobby shops or at A-Z science store.

pretty big gap

ehh not really my new breed gap is 5.2mm or somthing

Oh, TMCertified, I keep meaning to clear up the whole brick and mortar store deal. The stores they are being sold in are specialty stores that already stock high end yoyos. My local example is YoYoJoe’s in Delaware who stock anything from YYJ plastics to high end YYFs and SPYYs. They even have a Pure XO in the case at the front that the ladies won’t let you touch lol. So they’re not putting them out in WalMarts or Targets or anything like that.

srry :stuck_out_tongue: but my statement stays somewhat true as that with a yoyo without online availibility still loses its sales and publicity. and also only availible and limited store so only a few places you can even buy them in person.


I’m sure they were sold at store front locations like A-Z, Bird in Hand, and so forth, but it sounded to me that they were trying to get mass appeal out of them. While I’m not a big marketer when it comes to YoYos, I do know how me as a consumer would approach something. Until YoYo’s make it to the same level as other hobbies and shed the “children’s toy” status that we all know is not true, but the majority do not, selling a yoyo in something other than a hobby shop for $65.00 is probably not going to fly. If 2 years ago I saw a $65.00 yoyo in a store there would be no way I would have bought it. But now I spend 100.00 on a yoyo. Now if your going to limit it to these type of stores you need to sell something for like $25.00 to $30.00 max and can make a metal version but that way the average consumer can see the difference for the extra cost, but I find it hard that they see a duncan for 6.00 and then a 2.0 for $65.00 they are going to pick up the $65.00 one.

But lets say for a second they did send them to just hobby stores. How many hobby stores get the kinda of traffic and appeal to sell big? I think there is one hobby store, maybe 2 that sells YoYos here in Orlando and they sell maybe 1 or 2 styles maybe 3 yoyos total? Certainly not anything to make a trip out to. So it certainly was an interesting marketing tactic, and based on them throwing a 150 of them or so into a mystery box for much much less, makes you wonder if this is a failed marketing tactic, or just overstock of inventory, or them wanting to make a big splash to promote the 2.0 to friends and that they can buy it some place. Who knows. That is something that YYFBen will need to jump on and answer should he want to. But, it makes perfect sense to try to get rid over inventory that they need to try to recoup some money on that is just sitting on the shelf and not a high likelihood to sell which is easily attributed to the Northstar and the JP wood, the 2.0 is the only one throwing everyone off because nobody really knows the full story behind that throw.

Quotes from the other Mystery Box thread:

Specialist stores are some of the most important to the yoyo scene. They run the classes, teach the basics and give benefits that can only be given hands on. Online stores like yoyoexpert also do a great job teaching but the convenience and hands on thing is hard to beat in person. A lot of the top yoyo players came through regions with physical retail stores (Augie, gentry, yuuki, grant, yoshi … I can go on). these stores often feel they are putting in the work building players to only loose those players future sales to online stores. Occasionally we will release product exclusively to these stores ( gold G5 2007 I believe was our first). 2.0 was just another attempt to give these stores something they could exclusively offer. Don’t expect to see them listed for sale at online stores either in the future. This was a great opportunity for us to get the product out there, in a limited capacity, without compromising our commitment to physical stores. It isn’t like people could choose to buy this.

Mass market? Certainly not. These are made in our Az factory with an annual capacity of production well under the minimum order quantity of any national chain store.

As for people questioning the value… Northstar $35… Is the rest worth $5? If you think so, you did ok.

Compared to last year, 2.0 sells for more than a hectic, northstar sells for more than a die nasty… I think you did ok.

Play wise I’m excited to see 2.0s getting out there and look forward to the reviews. These are made on the same machines as BOSS and 888, they are precise, have a nice thumb grind groove and have a neat profile.

Hope everyone likes them!

I also know there are some boxes with different yoyos in there too…

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Thanks Ben for the update! I know a lot of us where trying to figure that out. I certainly wish there were more places or at least one place here in Orlando that did that type of thing, especially with Worlds being here. But we can’t even really get a club together let alone a store…

I’m not sure if your talking about a comment I made about the value, but I was talking about the “over $100.00” worth of gear and trying to add everything up which is when the value of the 2.0 came up and there isn’t a lot of info on the internet about it. I certainly understand that for $40.00 your getting a heck of a lot more than “street value.” Which is amazing! Me personally, I wouldn’t have bought it if I had known the contents of it ahead of time, as even it a great deal, none of the contents interest me.

As mentioned though this is for my son and anything that is a yoyo is going to excite him so I’m very much looking forward to seeing him open it Christmas morning.

I’ve played with a 2.0. I think it’s a very nice undersized yoyo!

Yeah, they have 2.0s at A2Z. Didn’t get to try one though. They come packaged like a duncan, so you cant open them to try them.

Hmmm… interesting.
So your telling me that this YYF 2.0 is manufactured using the same process and machine as other stuff? If so, why does it sell for, what, $30 less?

So there’s different stuff in the boxes, eh? Care to share what different yoyos?