You really screwed up… Waaay back then you knew it and we knew it.
The fact that you have a conscience which causes your memories to still haunt you to this day; is more than any other form of punishment you could have been subjected to.
Apologizing to the current Yoyo community, where the majority of folks on this board have little clue of what actually happened; serves little purpose.
People either know the ‘legend of you’ or the legendary blunder you fell into’.
EVERYBODY screws up during the course of their lives. Most ‘fails’ are never discovered.
… You… 'You, Heath, didn’t Kill anybody. What you did ‘is Peanuts’ compared to what happens every single day all over the World.
I’ve mailed you a few times over the last couple years. I have tried to reinforce the fact that you still have legendary status. The fact that the TiWalker is still Amazing to this day compared to any other Ti made.
You are not the son is Satan. You just got a little devilish. Done deal. I didn’t see any blood puddles.
There is an old saying, ‘Falling down is just practice getting up’. Life is a series of mistakes we try to survive. It’s a learn by doing life.
Your mis-step was a learning experience for All of us. Our assorted reactions to what happened was an enlightening lesson in how we all Jumped to assorted conclusions and various degrees of ‘How could you do such a thing’?
Like a lynch mob without a rope. Like a trial where everybody on the Jury is a Judge.
People are by nature always pointing the finger at somebody. You gave everybody the golden opportunity to Point All the fingers at you. <Easy job; pointing the finger and making a molehill look like a pyramid.
Which brings me to another old saying. ‘Realize that when you point the finger at somebody; look at your hand. You will notice 3 fingers pointing back at you’.
You may never forget your past but don’t let that ruin your future. You’ve done your time in a ‘mental cage’.
You have served your debt to society… If that what you might call it😳
Heath, you know from my emails that you’re ok with me. Trust me on this> If you really want to feel bad about something; you should feel bad about All the poor saps that Never got the chance to try or Own A TiWalker.
Shock the World… Make another 100 TiWalkers.
You may want to continue punishing yourself by never making yoyos again. But at the same time you are punishing the people that seek out your Legendary Ti Yoyo design.
You’ve shown us the bad side of you. And you’ve shared with us the sad side of you.
Now Show us the good side of you… You owe it to yourself.
Like I already said, ’ You didn’t kill anybody’.