Hey friends I am so excited to present my first unboxing video.
Thank you Yoyo Factory!
Thank you YOYO Expert!!
Hey friends I am so excited to present my first unboxing video.
Thank you Yoyo Factory!
Thank you YOYO Expert!!
Congrats on the ricochet! Thats so cool!
That reaction was so funny. ;D
LUCKY! That’s like what? $400 worth or throws for $45? INSANITY! Awesome dude, loved your reaction! ;D
You weren’t excited enough hehehe! Congrats!
Great joob on the ricochet you got alot of stuff
roll model
congrats man!!! so sad iwasnt able to buy one had no internet at the time… but grats man! made me smile how happy you were
Congrats man. I know I would have screamed and ran around the house in excitement!! Nevertheless it made me happy to watch it enjoy it!
Hey, nice job on the Ricochet, bro!