The most versatile yoyo for...

Which yoyo do you think is most versatile when it comes to modification and all that cool stuff?
Please post a list of yo-yo’s that you think are best for mods (give specs please!!)
Thank you!!!

Freehands, are very, very moddable.

FHZ all the way.

fast 201. most easily-modded yo-yo i’ve ever seen. TONS of cool stuff you can do with them.

FHZ and mosquitoes


fh zero and freehand 2

the fh zero is amazing for 1a, 3a, 4a,and 5a

ive even seen some people use it for 2a(dont know how they did it)

its also very easy to change the color or dye it

most duncan plastics freehand, fhz, mosquito, flying spuirrel ect

fast 201 is good u can take the starburst off then clean the bearing then widen the gap wala its un responsive

The Golden Pure.

^ nope