Normally when I pack my travel bag, I take a fixed axle and a bearing yoyo. One of each. Today I packed a vibey Northstar I have some weird love/hate relationship with and my trusty PSG. No wood. I figure I better get some bearing play in before December.
I’m not sure what I’ll be playing with, but it will probably be made of wood. That or a Dang. Jeez, this will be hard.
I think I might break the spirit of this but still challenge myself. A different throw every day for all of December. Which means I think I need to buy 3 or 4 more to give me 31
31 minutes throwing the Popstar will feel like a full 31 days so does that count?
The Popstar would be a good challenge to only throw it for a month but I get mad just thinking about it.
That would be a great challenge! After a month of that, anything else would feel HUGE.
31 different yoyos for month is a great idea! Do it.
I’ve ordered a spare 1955 Duncan Tournament reproduction and a fresh bundle of string. The spare is actually the one ill probably use because I like the color and I like the idea of beginning with one right out of the box. This will be a challenge for me. Right now, I’m experiencing a lot of forward momentum in bearing play and I’m enjoying it immensely. I hope the momentum stays with me through December and I maintain my growth spurt.
Does it still count if I use only my Ann WHiP, but use my PSG at school? I keep one of my PSG’s in my locker just in case people want to watch me yoyo or try one of my yoyos, because I don’t care if that gets beat up. But I want to get better with my WHiP, so I wanted to use that the rest of the time.
Sure! It’s your Edcember.
Cool! Then that’s what I’m doing. I might even buy one or two of mrcnja’s fixed axle sleeves.
Anyone still doing this or am I Will Ferrel in Old School? “We’re going streaking!”
I’ll challenge myself with both!
A style I’m
No good in-2A
And yoyo challenge for everything else, speedial.
1 month.
I will be throwing my STOCK Duncan metal drifter. I will also be throwing my raptor for 2A.
Im going to go for Classics–one, stock responsive, and the other, set up unresponsive. It’ll actually make things easier when I fly to Las Vegas for Xmas. Don’t want to give TSA any more reason to look at me twice–my appearance is enough to draw a raised eyebrow.
I am doing two styles that I’m terrible at, 2A and 4A, and I’m using nothing but my Ann WHiP with a fixed axle sleeve for 1A.