The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

I did it. I found my ideal magic drop angle. I can now do it 3 out of 5 times. Finally I can start working on kamikaze! ;D


Ladder Escape! Hardest part for me was figuring out the mount.

I should relearn this trick just for the heck of it.

Do it! Such a weird awkward trick.

Ninja vanish long two weeks

Magic Trick! I’m still not consistent, the second hop gives me trouble because I overshoot.

i just started landing this trick more consistently by hopping it up as high as possible without pulling the strings away until it reaches its peak. Seems to make a bigger triangle.

For that second pop of Spirit Bomb, if you’re doing it the way I do it (which I THINK is the canonical way), the height of the pop only matters for a clean look. The triangle ends up the same size no matter what-- the tip of the triangle is all the way at the NTH forefinger. You can’t get a bigger triangle than that!

Classic yuki elements.

maybe the trick is when the yoyo is up, to push with your non throw hand before your other cause the triangle tip to pull over? Makes sense in my heard but don’t know if that comes out in print well.

Finally got my bind down :wink:

Ayumu’s trick in this video:

From 0:23-0:28.

Only tried horizontal play a few times. Was never successful. Tried it out today on my diffusion 2 and landed a banana turn over and binded. It wasn’t pretty but it’s a start. Not sure if this throw is great for horizontal but its plastic day. Also landed a couple hooks. For some reason I have much more trouble with the hook than brent stole.

that is really awesome to hear man, and to think… All it took was a little push to try your plastic yoyo instead. Also benefits of doing horizontal with a plastic yoyo is that it wont hurt as bad if u get hit.

funny you say that. I went for a throw that felt kinda off and missed my thumb. Kinda freaked out so it hit me in the back. Was bad cause I let off of the tension so it kinda lost momentum. I’m sure ill be getting one to the face soon enough considering it hasn’t happened yet.

Black hops!

After 2 years of spotty trying on and off, I finally landed a decent Follow!

It’s one of those tricks that’s gotta be easy for some people… but I have like zero moisture in my hands and I couldn’t pinch/re-pinch without utmost precision (not enough friction in the webbing of the thumb).

The secret turned out to be two things:

  1. Palm upward. This created a point of friction at the thumb webbing but ALSO across the pinky-side edge of the palm. 2 points of friction was enough that the slack wasn’t slipping uncontrollably anymore. I still need some precision, but not UTTER precision.

  2. Fingers tight together and straight. With the hand curled a bit or with a pinky randomly sticking out, I was catching the slack in weird ways.

Now I just need to focus on getting the slack at exactly the right speed to look good. Right now I’m not always giving it enough energy, so it still gets kinda weak and wambly if I’m not careful.

yay! You finally got it Greg! I know you’ve been at that trick for a while now congrats you finally landed it!

Thanks, Abby! It’s not nearly as nice as yours, but I’m glad to have landed it. :slight_smile: