The Fixed Axle Megathread of Awesomeness

#200 get

sorry just had 2(00)

There’s a Fixed Axle February video contest happening in 2014. We already have about dozen companies you know and love sponsoring the contest. So, get on over here Redirecting... and like and share and enter!

Did a double laceration to elihop to double laceration today.

I’ve been really into fixed axle since I got a wooden throw (on tuesday). I’ve been trying to do stall kwyjibo, but it is HARD! How do you make it stop hurting you so much when you stall?

Oh and also there are a few little wood “dings” on it (got it in a trade that way) and every once in a while when I catch it I’ll get a splinter. Would sanding down the “dings” make the splinters stop? Or make it splinter more?

Sanding should help. You can try evening out the affected area with crazy glue, too. I’d have to see it to know how practical this is (crazy glue is really thin), but it’s a good pore and gap filler for wood.

Have you guys been keeping your eye on the Fixed Axle February contest? Prizes are getting crazy. Benchmark O… 2 Optic Star No-Jives… and other stuff!

Im thinking about joining actually. Where can I see the rules? And thank you I’ll see if I can find some crazy glue.

So far, we’ve revealed a One Drop Benchmark O, 4 BC hardwood Yoyos, 2 Tom Kuhn Optic Star No Jives, a set of Astrojax Vmax and maybe a few other little things I’m forgetting. And that’s just 3 of the (currently) 18 sponsors who have generously donated prizes.

All of the most current contest information is on the Facebook page. The prize packages are shaping up to be ridiculously good. You’re crazy if you sit this one out!

I read tge rules and stuff and now I’m really excited! I’ve got a few good ideas.

Sweet :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see them!

What are those for?

So want a FAF2014 yoyo… It’s screaming to be painted/decorated.

Zipper Stalls… so frustrating…

finally starting to pull off a smooth looking split the atom… though.

I’m not gonna lie… lots of stuff is easier with a bearing.

Quoted for Truth

I haven’t shared much here since we stopped the regular weekly columns, but still posting lots of fixed axle stuff on Instagram. Wish I knew how to embed it…


Let’s get the old megathread going again.

Here are a couple of tricks with a couple OUT Pocket Loves.


i know yye doesn’t embed instagram vids, but i was pretty psyched about this triple sidewinder to backhand-stall.

So I’m a little new to fixed axle play but i like it a lot, I was trying to choose between a TMBR Irving or the Pro version or a Hildy Brothers’ Currier. What do you guys think would be the best choice and why?