The blind folded challenge.

I have made an edit to op that which is the current trick to be performed and before tricks completed.
So now split the atom is the current trick.

Anyone did it I tried couldn’t do it that over part is difficult blind folded.

I can do it. If you want a new trick I’ll record Split the Atom. (Watch out, I’d probably pick Cold Fusion for the next trick.)

Yes do it sir.

Here you go.  How about Buddha’s Revenge next.

Good so now Buddha’s revenge is next trick.

What yoyos is that?

YYF Big Dream

Anybody hit it or is it hard?

I got Buddha’s Revenge. (yo-yo used was a Bonfire)

How about the next person does pop n fresh.

Nicely done next trick pop n fresh.

I’m still working on pop n fresh. But I might give this a shot. Give me a couple hours lol and I’ll everyone know.

Take your time man.
Hopefully this is good enough.
I say the next person should do a Gyroscopic flop for the next trick.

Yes this is good. And I’ll say gyroscopic flop from any mount.

That’s going to be tough. How can I tell when I’ve got a full rotation?

Exactly, I really thought it through before I decided on the next trick. That’s the point of the blindfold challenge.

Practice without your blind fold and everytime you start the rotation, time it by counting off in your head. Remember you don’t really have to have 100% complete full rotation to actually complete the flop and bring it back up the string so after some practice you should probably succeed fairly easy.
Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure it needs to be a FULL rotation. Not a half. Not 3/4 of a way. A FULL rotation. Otherwise its not really complete is it? :blush:

I would think one or more full rotations should do it.

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