The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

I’ve searched a ton, and have bought a good number of bearings online looking for a 3/4 spec bearing. Would love it if they were made.

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Seems like something in-between would be great for ideas like @zslane’s.

So I tried one of the extra Hummingbird axles I have–which is shorter than normal, 8mm maybe?–and put a slim C into my Quiz. I was surprised to find that it felt the same as with the full size C bearing with the rubber rings in it. Which means resorting to thicker strings and/or grippier pads if I want more snappy response.

So here is a side-profile shot of all my metal responsives from widest to narrowest. Where would you consider the dividing line between slimline and non-slimline to fall?


Slimline does not cause my jeans to bulge uncomfortably, so it really depends more on my jeans than the yo-yo.

To me the Quiz and up does not feel “slimline”, but that yo-yo is VERY close to the width of the Flying V, which literally says “SLIMLINE” on it, so…


At first I thought this was a comment about how much slimlines, er, excite you (or not) as a form factor…


Cool shot! That photo makes the Quiz intriguing to me.


360 varial, kwijibo catch… And the sloppiest return ever.


Looks crisp. How are you liking it with the dimples?

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Surprisingly, I’m liking them more than i anticipated. They look good, are fun and also functional. Pullstart stalls are a whole new concept to experiment.

Just today I managed to hit a crazy difficult (at least for me) pullstart trick. Can’t wait to post it.


the chromatic sequencing along with yoyo width is amazing

Here it is!

What makes this especially difficult is doing the pullstart + brent stole one after another, but also doing them with enough finesse to ensure the yoyo will sleep on the triangle and not return in a complete mess once the yoyo lands on the string. I’m glad this was landed on camera. Now I can never try to land this again.

Shoutout to @Glenacius_K for making yoyos than can both provide long sleeptime and excellent response.


Simply amazing, @EOS44. I love it.


now that is skill.


I’m finding a bit interesting that at this point there is a lot more content of other people using the KNack than Kyle himself. :thinking:


we all know Glen can make great yoyos, but how good is he at yoyoing?

He is the current Fixed Axle World Champion.


oh my.

Can’t force genius, and Kyle DEFINITELY has a more unique take on fixed axle than just about anyone. Kyle’s never been super prolific in terms of content, but his tricks & his take are so fresh (and he can hit all his stuff in front of you on demand).

Some players are out there every other day doing tricks (myself included), and I think people see that and kinda become… accustomed to it. Not that it’s not good - it’s just kind of expected. Lots of folks start to see right past players who are always posting tricks. Whereas a player like Kyle drops a trick or a clip and it stops you in your tracks both because of the content AND because you don’t see his stuff all the time.


In show business we call that (what Kyle is not doing) over-exposure.