did not.
Hey I remember like yesterday it used to say “X gave you a THANK YOU” I’m not sure why it was in all caps though…
It’s back what the…
The following members gave a THANK YOU to your post:
Why the caps…
Can I have 2?
No really, I don’t even like the “thanks” feature. I do understand why it’s there but it’s hardly ever used for the right reasons. I think a good old fashion “thanks” from the quick reply should be sufficient.
A forum I used to go to had a + and a - feature, man was that a trainwreck. Everyone was getting the smite button for no reason.
i like to give thankyous if the really help (or really try), or they make a good point
Sounds like it should work.
your welcome
i like to give tys
Fun fact : Owls can only rotate their heads 270 degrees.
You necromancer, you.
Lol why exactly is he peeing and what is he peeing on?
I myself, give out as many as I can. I see many try to keep their ratio like Call of Duty or something. It’s funny ;D Anyone who posts will get a big thank you from me. ANYONE!
My goal is now to give more than I get! K/D spread has become given/received spread!
Lol why exactly is he peeing and what is he peeing on?
deoxyribonucleic acid.
hes saying “take that genetics”
deoxyribonucleic acid.
hes saying “take that genetics”
Ohhhhhhhh that makes sense… It just looked like a candy wrapper to me