Team Throw Bot Try outs

exactly Juan said it, lol, except in a harsh way

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Ok, here is my video. I hope I can join:

Happy Throwing! =]

My video is coming and it’s not my best cause all I did was use the camera on the computer and just threw the yoyo.

Okay here it is but It’s not that good since all I did was turn the camera on and throw but it’s whatever.

Ill join :stuck_out_tongue:

Old vid.

people who are in

Mitch (Dv888)
Gm user

and 2 more spots!!!
Its between logan gon yo (he has old vids) and starscreem. Harddd…

So far the Throwbots has a pretty legit lineup if you ask me

You use the word “leight” a lot.

Just kidding. :slight_smile:

Yes I agree with my co-creator that the final decision will be quite hard.

And the purpose of the team is to make friends, grow socially, to mature (XD NOT), and maybe get help with tricks. Also, I’m flying out to Chico in October for Nationals so I should see people like Logan, j4dude, yoyoguy1994, and others there.

Leight? You mean Light? ???

what do you mean by legit

i’ll try out
i probably won’t get in due to all the people who are better than i am

but i’ll try! >: o

it will be up some day

J4dude, you just saw me at the airport! Is that new? :stuck_out_tongue:

Freakin awesomeness



THIS is a Throwbot.

Logan is correct that is a throwbot, but the name randomly came to mind when I was thinking about team names.

Will any of the Throwbots be making it to TN States besides me?

So whos on Team Throw Bot?