Super Spin Factor rings on a XT

Got this XT with putting these rings on in mind. Thankfully it worked out.


Im so jealous of your XTs :laughing::laughing:. Great work!!!

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Thx so much!!

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That looks awesome! Is it as fun as it looks?

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Its pretty fun

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Due to technical issues it’s now half pink half red. I should have cut the recess for pads before doing the rings. But had this extra red half that the other half did what this pink half did.


It’s amazing how much can be done with an XT.

As usual, your work is amazing!


Thx so much! They are a cheap yoyo to try things out and if it doesn’t work only out $5

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This is so amazing. I’ve very much felt like shifting the weight to the rims in an XT would have amazing results. I was just thinking of o-rings but you do it right. It just looks like that’s how it was meant to be. :smiley:

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Im rather pleased with the results which is saying something lol

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If I may ask. Where do you get the rings and weights you’re using for these surgeries?

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I think she just mashes parts of different yo-yos together. This one, in particular, is using rings from a super spin factor.


They are from old broken yoyojams I gotten etc. They had been sitting around for awhile. Finally either got the courage to try out rings mods or the don’t care if it doesn’t work out lol. Down to my last 4 sets of rings. Idk what I will do when I run out of rings


Scour the world for more broken ones. There’s gotta be some out there somewhere.


Will have to lol


Cut the sticker recess before the rings this time lol


If I had some of these rings I would soooo try to do this to my purple XT. I really like the look of that and it looks like it plays insane. Getting rid of the starburst would be my issue.


Back when I used a dremel to oring yoyojams. I chucked the yoyo into the dremel and just sanded starburst away. Just have to stop and check how you are doing every little bit. But it works rather well you could chuck these into a drill and do the same I bet.