Stroll, Stroller, Sprint, N' Stride — Ardeus' 3D-printed Fixies

Happy Fixed Axle Friday!

Left to Right:
Stride (64mm x 28mm)
Sprint (62mm x 32mm)
Stroll (61mm x 33mm)
Stroller (55mm x 32mm)

All have 8-hole response, and hickory axles.

$15 each
+$20 for international shipping from the Philippines (Free local shipping)
+$5 each for color-changing filaments

Order soon to get them in time for #FixedAxleFebruary2025

:camera:: @GnarlyCharlie


Here’s Mr. @edhaponik putting these 3d-printed fixies through their paces. :wink:


Wow!! These look amazing. Sorry, I lost track of your work last year. Do you have a website or anything?

@edhaponik , so smooth. You make it look so easy! I’ve got to learn that double loop kick flip. What’s that called?

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Thanks, brother! No, I don’t have a website. I’ve just been posting these here and on IG. :smile:


Cool! Following on IG now.

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Thx! :heart:
I call that one Bunny Flip and there are a few ways to get into it :slight_smile:

ALSO… can 100% testify as to the rad nature of these yo-yos. they are mega-fun and a terrific value. cop one.


@Ardeus, DUDE! Thank you so much for these. It was so unexpected and I am so thankful. They play exactly how I hoped, it’s amazing. So consistent and snappy, and just the right weight on all of them. I can genuinely saw there’s not a dud in the batch. The proto and Sprint feel like a Gnomad, the Stroller feels like a No Jive, and the Stride feels like a PockeHt.


Thanks for the kind words, dude.
Glad you’re happy with them!

The Gnomad, No Jive, and PockeHt are some of my favorite fixies, and definitely are huge inspirations.
Glad I was able to capture some of that mojo with these.


Added more pictures, courtesy of the awesome @GnarlyCharlie
Thanks again for these, dude! :bowing_man:t2:


No problem! I like zooming in and looking at the difference between the 1/4” and 5/16” axles on the Stoller and Stroller.


Which one of them would you say is the best of all four? and also, what app(s) do you use for payment?


I’d say they’re all equally good, yet different, that it warrants having them all. :sweat_smile:

The Stroll is probably the most well-rounded one of the bunch.
But based on feedback, many have been surprised with the Stride and Stroller.
Personally, however, I play with the Sprint most of the time these days.

Just using Paypal.

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dang. I can only buy through CashApp. But those yoyos look insane!

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What software do you use to create them?

I create the models with FreeCAD; learned from @MarkD 's tutorial.

Then I slice it in BambuStudio.


I got one of these from a friend. I am new on the 0A journey. I got it last night. The tricks I have been working so hard on are just flat out easy with this thing in comparison.

Truly a phenomenal design. I have the biggest one, and definitely intend on getting the rest. Having to wait on longer shipping times was making me hold off, but wow, well worth the wait.


Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you were able to get your hands on one.

Also, there’s a new model coming soon! Stay tuned!