"Stringless Yo-Yo"(Magnetic) #5- Ten Harder Tricks PLUS!!!160+ to go...

We have New Verisions of an old toy commonly referred to as the “stringless yo-yo” (Magnetic) since the 1930’s in England and 50’s in the U.S.A. Starting to show some of the more difficult tricks. Only showed 40 different tricks in the first 5 videos. (Magical Wheel 6 New Toy) Coming soon!!! 100+ Modifications available to maximize trick count. Stay Tuned!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L0vKdfrnxE

Thats really amazing!

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Been looking to get one of those.

Reminds me of a spin Top or a beyblade (:
I wouldn’t mind buying one

That’s awesome

nice what company and how much would they be

Not available yet. cost will be approx $10.00

Can not wait to buy one!!!

I remember having something just like this when I was six. I think it was called a wheel-o it was loads of fun.

Me too but it just when around these coils up and down with a lump on very top