String exchange (Toxic, StringLab, Dragon, Kitty, quick 13)

Hey guys below is ALL THE STRING I OWN
I was wanting to do trades to be able to try out new strings without actually having to buy them. If you are interested in trading a few strings for a few strings send me a PM. All trades would be done through snail mail in a regular envelope, in guessing 4-7 strings could fit into.

Now onto the string


Type 1^

Type 2^

Type X^

Markmont Edition^

Quick 13:

Kitty String:

These 3 are normal poly kitty string orange pink yellow^

Nylon white^

Random premium strings^

From left to right
-50/50 cotton/poly
-red/black YYE contest string poly
-orange YYE contest string poly
-black YYE contest string poly
-white extra long poly strings

If I have any strings you would like to try out please let me know. I would like to trade for strings I don’t have.

DONT WANTS- Cotton, 50/50, YYE contest string, dark colors, fat/thin kitty.)
Dot be afraid to PM me!