SPOILER: Trust Ben Predictions Day 1,2,3 and last chance revealed

I like mine a lot. It’s fun to have a super wide throw. Sometimes it’s hard for me to land things like a double or nothing because it’s wider. I’m up for any suggestions on how to remedy that? I could do without the splashed colorway, but it’s okay.

That’s my favorite colorway for this

You’ll learn to make micro adjustments over time.

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You can use your throw hand thumb to pull the other strand out of the way to make more space to land.


Do 3a with them

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Do you mean go around your thumb instead of your index finger or do you mean hook the string with your thumb and pull it back?

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Focus on getting the first wrap around the base of your fingers and the second one closer to the tips. Also you can move your hands so you still hit the catch zone but the yoyo doesn’t overlap all of your wraps.

Okay, thanks :+1: I need to work on my technique :slightly_smiling_face:

Option 2, right before you land the yo-yo on the string, slide your thumb under the string closer and pull it back to open up the mount and give more room for the yo-yo.

Option 1 is a Houdini mount.

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Thank you :+1:

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Is it supposed to be 165? On yye it’s still 100, and on yyf, and thats what he said it would be, but then why is this?

That is a bundle price with another yoyo

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The $165 is a mega monster plus a big deal. Its discounted to $140 from $165 if you click the drop down menu.

He just left the Mega in there alone too thats why it shows $99.

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Whelp… I’m not too surprised :joy: . Also a bit of a bummer that mine has some damage. It doesn’t seem to affect play and I’m not much of a complainer but I’m wondering if I should let Ben know. What are y’alls thoughts. Definitely not a good colorway lol.


Man, I’m sorry to see that. Yeah, I’m not sure I would say much since such a large discount if doesn’t affect play. But, I would give a heads up so they can keep an eye out for future. And the yellow gold can be love or hate. Im not a lover of yellow gold but with the silver rims it doesn’t look bad at all. I wouldn’t be unhappy with it. Hope you enjoy how it plays


Do it just to get a better colour lol

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@yyfben2 did list that you could Trust them to be A Grades


There you go :hugs: @vector you definitely should message Ben after reading this

A $160 yo-yo for $75? Define A-Grade…

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