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Purple Wish sold!

Nice but just not my steez



Hmm… maybe I’ll write a bit on the Wish so you know why I’m selling it and perhaps why you should get it…

I’m a regular but casual (non-competitive) thrower whose bias is towards floaty organics. Recently I picked up a handful of more competition-oriented bimetals to try out even though that’s not my preferred yoyo type. Just to have at least one killer performer to throw when the mood struck (or the trick required). So then I ended up with a Shaqshine FG. Now I question if I need any other bimetals. It’s that good. For me it’s better than the Draupnir. Enter the Wish, which arrived after the Shaq. The Wish is a solid performer that likes to move at a certain speed. The speed of Zach Gormley’s tricks. It feels more deliberate and controllable than my Shaqshine FG (or what I recall of the Draupnir). The Wish seems great for technical slack-based tricks where you need stability and presence instead of speed and lightness. Anyways, that’s my take on it. I would keep the Wish if I didn’t already have my competition bimetal needs fulfilled and I wasn’t keeping my collection small.


Buy the Wish so you can help me get a guitar I don’t need :sweat_smile:


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