Snaggletooth YoHooks

Hello! We’ve started a ‘business’ selling these yoyo holsters. Available in a variety of colours for each individual piece.

1 holster - 8$ shipping incl.

Sample pictures, showing some of the varieties of colours:

Colours for carabiners: Green, black, silver, orange, red, blue

Colours of cord:
Thick - White and black
Thin - Every colour of the rainbow

Colours for sliding clip: Black, white, orange

Colours of keyring: Green, pink, silver, blue
(If you’re paranoid of it possibly ‘scuffing’ your yoyo we could use a bead in the colour of your choice)

PM me with colour choices!! Don’t post in thread unless you have questions about the holsters!

What is the difference between this and the FAST yoyo holder.

Because that is 6$ and yours is $10, and they look like the same thing.

They actually look good, and they’re customizable. And hey, we have to make a profit.

10 bucks? o.O
werrd was selling their wachamacallits for $2 at worlds.
I understand you have to make a profit, but that’s still a bit much. the carabiner is no more than $2 (I got one at a little family shop for $1.50, but I think I could have gotten it cheaper at like dollar store)
a hair band (which is what I’m guessing you’re using) is about 10-15 cents each ($3.50 for a 24 pack on amazon)
the plastic thing I’m not sure about. but I’d guess like 50 cents a piece.

Elasticized cord, not hair bands. Werrd’s buying them straight from a retailer in bulk, thats why they’re so cheap. Also we’ve had a couple sales already and the profit is quite small anyways…

I like the Idea, but Honestly I think people are starting to make their own. I mean you get the Carabiner’s 4 in a pk for 1.50 at Wal-Mart with all the Cords, Beads and what have you, I’ve even found a cpl different shaped carabiner’s. But then again, I guess you have to have the Craftiness in you to make em. But hey I’m not knocking you for it, More Power to ya. Good Luck with your venture. Also I bet if you change them up a bit, Maybe braid the string like a friendship bracelet or something you would get more sales or something, just an Idea. Because everyone is looking for something different, odd or out of the ordinary :slight_smile:

Everyone STFU about his price. One things for sure, these aren’t going to break anytime soon. I met a guy who had three YYF fast holders and all of them were broken.
Small businesses gotta start somewhere.

Very true! We’re looking into making them out of yoyo string and we got a bunch of other crazy ideas and perhaps start making cases. You’d be surprised how helpless lots of yoyoers are with stuff like this. I figure if we get a few sales we’d venture into making some other things.

So true. Ours are durable and colourful :slight_smile:

you think you will be able to sell so at the Canadian Nats?

For sure, unless nobodies buying…