Show us your 5A setup

Yeah I am using yoyos I love to do 5A. My Sengoku Ashigaru was actually my first metal yoyo ever and now I am using it a lot again. I don’t mind it getting some more damage since it was already dinged and I’m never getting rid of it anyway. The OD Wizard is just a fun yoyo and it matched my green cw and, turns out, I love it for 5A! It already collected a ding from rolling across the grass at high speed straight into a row of bricks. I’ve done like 10 min of 5A on my Titanic before and I’m probably gonna string it up with a CW again shortly. I love how the Titanic plays.

I am reluctant to do any bimetal 5a, I’m just afraid of shifting the rings and never getting it smooth again.


I can see the value of both points of view. I decided that I would use my Barracuda. I also put a counterweight on my AL Freehand to see how that was. I like the Barracuda more by a huge margin. I had asked if any certain shapes or sizes were advantageous for 5a and most said use what you like. So I chose to use a throw that I liked. I’ve pretty much gotten rid of most of my less desirable throws so I don’t have fodder as such to sacrifice as some decide to do. I will say that if I didn’t like the throw to begin with, I’m probably not going to care for it for 5a either. And using a less than desirable throw could end up slanting my view of the style in a negative way. This is just how I reasoned it out.


I only throw yoyos i enjoy no matter what style i play. I have dinged more yoyos playing 1A then 5A (probably cause i play 90% 1A)… therefore since they are already dinged i have no worry playing any yoyo

AL fh has a few scratch marks. The first ding will set you free!


The first ding will set you free is correct my friend.


We all play YoYo different and value things different. Those of us that are into the collection side of YoYo baby some throws and not others. I also have an absurd number of yo-yos enough I can play a different YoYo every day of the year and not get through everything if I count duplicates and odd ball gimmicks and cheap trash yo-yos.

Yoyo is all about personal preference. I do what I like you all do what you like. I don’t see why we have to feel one way or another about it.

I will say again I really wasn’t trying to insult 5A as a style nor hurt anyone’s feelings if that’s what has happened I am truely sorry.


I’m having a blast with 5a, and my other setup is my Metavity. Just figured it couldn’t hurt to bang up that Watieoboo!


let’s go!


Don’t even bother with the Bi metals. I too had the same fear. And after a while i thought it was actually ok, but nah. I’ve ruined them all. It’s just a matter of time. Mono material is king.


Disagree, but I digress. Never once knocked a rim with 5a.


I played a Haymaker X for a while and rim shifted it a few times. Super awesome yoyo to actually play, and it only took a few seconds to slam the rims back into place, but it’s still an extra annoyance I don’t like to even think about.

A couple people on Twitter who go way harder than me at 5A are also regularly posting pictures of their dislodged rims. I’m definitely mono gang all the way. Although even when rims totally pop off, it’s still a really fast process to hammer them back on so it’s like not that big of a deal.


Fair enough thoughts both ways. I dont think ppl using beater yoyos for 5A is something ti get offended at. Some of us just suck, so its a guarantee we are going to beat the crap out of any 5A yoyos.

Im brand new to the style so im using a plastic duncan freehand pro that I got for free and tweaked with weight rings. By no means is it a good yoyo, but its perfect for me to practice and learn with.

By the same token id probably be up for using a more fun yoyo way in the future when im experienced enough.

Like right now im debating selling my One Drop Wizard, but it might be better for me to save it for future 5A fodder. Not my favorite yoyo, but seems like a fun option for 5A when I feel skilled enough to use it. But no one could call it a bad yoyo even if its just not my favorite.



Throwing my ano stripped compass with the “we got candy dice at home”


Strung up all my CWs mostly. There’s a topyo, a porykon and another gumdrop around here somewhere. I downsized and gave away close to 25 CWs this year too.


5A May 1770

Just kidding


I’m currently attempting to print a scaled down one of these to make into a counterweight:

Been having some issues with a new build plate I installed, so crossing my fingers!


WasthrowingThese 2 today.
Baslik with a bishop CW by Doc Pop

PixelApe and a Duncan CW.


Just needs a hole, and some paint!


That looks amazing!

Peak and printed mountain weight. I wasn’t really feeling the Peak for 1A, but it’s great for 5A.


That counterweight looks like a jellyfish.

That Spider-Man yoyo looks amazing! (See what I did there? But seriously, amazing).