Show us your 5A setup

Windoundary w/ chainweight


Considering he has a vid where he is using a kitchen knife as a cw, I’m pretty sure that dolphin will work just fine.


That’s a great idea for a CW!

That’s awesome! I’ll have to check out more of his stuff, I’m already blown away by the videos of his that I have watched

“You’ve lost your finger privileges”



Nope just a superstar with nipples


Its my 5a May setup for the month. :yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo::yo-yo:


These where my first 3 days of 5A. Haven’t tied a string to my finger since may 1. Starting to see progress!


What do you do with your worst throw? Set it up for 5a!

Watieoboo Count with Throw-Yo SOLUTIONS Ink string and a 3D printed pawn counterweight.


This is the way. When you got a arguably bad YoYo it becomes 5A fodder


Speaking of this is a 5 dollar beeboo YoYo (surprisingly playable) that’s being sacrificed to the 5A gods

I believe that’s a broken ultra weight


Not a fan of this line of thinking. I think you should like the yoyos you use for 5A. It feels kinda like a disservice to the style to not wanna use your favorite yoyos, as if 5A is a lesser style only worth using cheap throws you don’t care about. Imagine if 3A or 4A players only used cheap yoyos they didn’t care about, instead of yoyos they actually loved. 5A seems to get this treatment a lot unfortunately.

I realize you’re not insinuating anything actually deep here, and it’s just a casual joke. But I felt like using this as general encouragement to anybody to use their favorite yoyos for 5A. Just play over grass/carpet and you might not even notice your yoyo pick up any damage at all. You’re not gonna break or ruin your yoyos, I promise. Playing yoyo is always more fun when the yoyo you’re using gets you excited to play yoyo. 5A is worth using your nice/expensive yoyos for, it’s not a style that should be relegated to only yoyos you don’t care about.


Sorry this wasn’t meant to imply anything of the sort however I absolutely suck at 5A and am very early on in this and am playing yo-yos I willing to beat up as I’m dropping them often vs anything decent in my collection. I did the same with 4a getting a used pre beat up flight and 3a using two different magic yo-yos vs anything I would be sad about dinging.

Heck I’ll do this with 1A if I’m working something I’m uncertain of and don’t want to risk my YoYo

Once I gain some confidence I try it on whatever YoYo I have and enjoy


I think it’s good at the beginning to use something you don’t mind dinging and use something decent that you like once you start getting the feel for the basics.

I started out using strictly plastics for a while but now I have no problem throwing anything from my collection as long as it feels good for 5A. The feel, performance, and spin time definitely makes a difference and can help you progress more.


I do not agree with you. First of all a cheaper yoyo is not necessarily a “not fun one”.

It makes total sense to me that i d use an expensive yoyo for 1a (main style) where i never drop the yoyo. When it comes to 5a I drop it 3-6 times per one hour session. It makes sense yo use a yoyo below 50 euros for that task than my 106 euros v2 diver or my emotion which I adore.

Same for 3a especially at start where I am guessing (I do not have a clue actually) you ll be dinging your yoyos every 40 seconds.


Same. As a 5a player it makes me sad to see people using yo-yos they don’t like just because they are worried they’ll get dinged. I never ever used a fodder throw for 5a except a desperado when I was first learning it. I’ve used $180+ yo-yos for 5a because they’re good and fun to use. Also, the reason people use fodder throws is because they’re bad (no offense) and boop and drop it constantly. If you’re a 1a player learning 5a, I genuinely recommend using your 1a bimetal, it will make your tricks more fun and consistent to the point you won’t even worry about knocking it. But all in all yo-yos are yo-yos, and they’re meant to be fun, so if rather use your crappy $10 watieboo from Amazon because you don’t have to worry about murdering it, it’s your choice to make. Happy throwing!


I do not think that there is nothing between a 10 dollar yoyo and a 100+ dollar bimetal.

I think the more your skill grows, the more the 5a yoyo price should increase.

Otherwise, jt js like learning trapeze with a yoyorecreation bimetal or a luftverk titanium yo-yo. I mean you can do it, but why?

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My post was directly in response to people joking that yoyos they thought were bad for various reasons were the ideal yoyos to 5A with, implying that liking your yoyo less makes it a better choice for 5A.

Lots of people generally state their reasoning for their pick of a 5A yoyo as “because it was cheap and I don’t care if I damage it.”

I think learning to live and not care with damage on your favorite throws is liberating in a way. Play your favorite yoyos any time, anywhere, and only be concerned about playing them, not being concerned about damaging them. Yoyos are very durable and you might pick up some scuffs and dings, but they’re not going to break. There’s nothing wrong with using cheaper yoyos, and cheaper yoyos can absolutely be amazing and fun. But to exclusively use cheap yoyos or yoyos you don’t care about just feels like intentionally choosing to not have fun playing your favorite yoyos while playing 5A.


I’m gonna say something controversial but reality is that beeboo YoYo and the Watieoboo YoYo both arent actually all that bad of yo-yos the brands are just sketchy making the yoyo a “bad” YoYo because we don’t love the brand. In the end the yoyo plays fine. In actually really surprised how good the 5dollar beoboo yoyo is. It shouldn’t play that well at that price. It’s not amazing I won’t be grabbing it very often but it’s just fine for learning a style I’m not confident in.

I’m of the opinion we stop stigmatizing using cheap yo-yos. If the entry to yoyo can be 5 bucks for a good enough throw in all for it


Just to add my thoughts. As i was reading the posts, the more heartbroken i became. Not that bad but still hurts my soul. I cherish my 5a setups and they are cared for the most. They take the most damage sure, but i’m going to use my favorite yoyos. I’m a 5a player at the end of the day and seeing the mind set of beater = 5a just… kinda makes me sad.

Nice yoyos like to fly too.