That looks awesome, Salvador. What is it? Looks like a Gelada, but something about the hub seems different… maybe it’s just the angle…?
Ahh, im workingon horizontal… I can do some basic stuff but i cant get a perfect horizontal angle… But i get more closely to horizontal then verticle so i guessit counts ;D it helps to start vertical and slowly go horizontal bit by bit, thats what i did… Or am doing…
Blueberry Klobber
Was eyeing those Lesulas for a while and now it looks like they’re gone everywhere. What a cool looking yoyo. Those specs are just begging for a D-bearing though, can imagine that would be amazing. Hopefully can find one on the B/S/T.
that’s a sweet collection!
Drools in awe
umm candy apples and tasty brown pear pie!
That is probably one of my favorite color ways ever!
Haha cool!
Only have this one as of now, but it is sweet! Gotta love the little monkey in a barrel ghosted in there!
^oh, that’s a nice one! I like the single splash of red on that side.