Should I use an undersized yoyo in an upcoming contest?

I have a Werrd Minute that I am considering using in the sport freestyle division of the IL state yoyo contest, but I wondering how much of an effect a small throw would have on my accuracy. This is my second contest, and I have no horizontal, off axis, or particularly long tech tricks to complete. Is it a good idea? (I have a Horizon, Shutter, and Czech Point to choose from if I decide not to use the Minute)

Might as well take it and use it as a last resort.

There really is no right or wrong answer. You should use whatever you feel most comfortable with. Good luck!

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I’d use one of the other 3 if I were you. Full-sized yoyos tend to be more stable and forgiving, and a wider yoyo gives you more room for error. It’s true you can do your whole routine on the Minute but when you’re on stage nerves will take over and you’ll want that extra buffer. You may not notice the differences as much when throwing casually but when you’re doing a full on freestyle on stage, that extra stability or width will help you more than you may think.

I agree with whotheman that if you do use it, make it a backup, a last resort if you snag up your other 3.

What is your motivation? <To use an undersized yoyo?

The other 3 yoyos you mentioned would all be considered Contest proven weapons.

The Minute is a very good undersized yoyo; no doubt.

…If you are entering strictly for fun and just want to see if you can do your tricks under pressure with a smaller yoyo; then that’s what you need to do.

If you want to place in the sports division and you feel most comfortable with the smaller yoyo; then that is your answer.

I think you should disregard yoyo ‘sizes’ and just use the yoyo you can hit all your tricks with; consistently.

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Just because a yoyo is bigger and technically going to help landing on the string, doesn’t mean it’s always better period.
Usually, when one lose control of the yoyo, even if the wider yoyo somehow helps landing a sloppy element, the next element will be affected too, because even though it lands, the momentum is wrong (like it goes slightly forward or slightly tilted etc).
If you’re not too used to the yoyo, not feeling comfortable, it won’t help even if it’s an oversize, you’ll most likely play more sloppy and miss more.
It’s better to use the yoyo you’re more comfortable with, even if it means a Mighty Flea. Well maybe not Mighty Flea but you know.
Also the difference between an undersize and oversize is mainly the diameter. I don’t know what these yoyo specs are exactly, but if they are modern throws then most likely it’s between 41-45mm and often regardless of diameter, which is not much of a difference when you’re talking about landing a trick. And the effective area to land the string is even less if it has blunt/beveled rim.
Using slightly shorter string can help making the yoyo feel somewhat bigger though, if you don’t mind altering it.

I’ve only competed a few times, but, for me, the adrenaline kicks in and everything becomes 100x harder. I recommend using a full size yoyo, but, in the end, use what you have been practicing with.

I agree. You don’t fully realize how much of an impact that little extra stability and width will do until you’re on stage under the pressure.

Thanks for the advise everyone! Not to be average, but I will be using a Shutter for my primary stage throw. I really don’t need any extra risk at this point, and the Shutter is stable, long spinning, and above all, predictable. The first time I went on stage, my knees were literally shaking and I messed up some. What are the things you have found helpful to get ready for preforming and reduce nerves before you step on stage?

This may sound silly, but just getting on stage more has helped me. I’m still nervous, but, a little less nervous. Also, practice. A lot of athletes believe visualization also helps, I sort of do that (imagine myself hitting a clean routine), but, that doesn’t take the place of practice. My biggest advice is to go on stage with only the expectation of having fun. Don’t put pressure on yourself to win or to hit a trick you’ve hit once before. Get out there, enjoy it, and know that no matter what, the audience will cheer for you (trust me, at this year’s NER, my freestyle looked like I was blindfolded and wearing hockey gloves, people still cheered)

Practice is key. If you’re 100% comfortable with your routine, you’ll be fine on stage. Make sure you can get through your routine very cleanly if not perfectly most of the time. After you can do that, set up a camera and keep filming yourself doing your routine. You don’t have to post it, it’ll just be for yourself but just having the camera there will put a little pressure on you and make it more difficult to go through your routine. Once you’re comfortable with that you should be fine when it’s the real deal.

The camera idea is a great idea! I think we all know the feeling of hitting a trick perfect every time until we try to show it to someone or record it (take 1000…)