Shaving O-Rings

Whats the easiest or most convient way to shave o-rings down?

Get the Bic Quatro and some shaving cream and…get a razor blade, leave the o-ring in the yo and just carefully shave of however much you want.

I suggest you take the o-rings out and put in silicone!

Thats what im thinking about doing. Because I think that might be the best way.
I shaved 3 other o-rings with a razor, but it was to much trouble.

An exact-o or utility knife works well.

They sell shaved o-rings too:

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I usually find that shaving O-Rings will make the yo-yo unresponsive to the point where you’ll experience alot of string slippage when you throw it. It’s super annoying and I can’t really say I’ve ever had a great experience with it. For a quick easy fix, by the YoYoJam Silicone rings they sell on this site. They’ll give you the unresponsiveness you want with no slippage in binds or throws. (As a suggestion, I like to double them up so they’re flush with the recess.)

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