I don’t understand this Dolby Atmos thing.
The logo resembles the profile of a yo-yo. Atmos is the name of a yo-yo company.
Whoa! they have some sick looking yoyos! thanks for the clarification!
I kind of want to go through this thread and see if I can 3d print these things as actual yo-yos.
Hurley yoyo could possibly make a sick responsive.
Never change, Audrey
You’re seeing things, as far as I’m concerned, those are yoyos!
I just saw an executive yoyo on reddit, looks exactly like half of these. You’ll never get me to believe they aren’t yoyos!
Looking at the sawn up wood blanks on my workshop bench qualifies as me seeing yoyos where there are none.
I LOVE old tape measures. Never saw them as yo-yos. Now I can’t unsee it.
Glen, walking into a furniture store: All I see are unfinished yoyos
Funny how you see that. I see oak and walnut tables and immediately assess how suitable the timber is for making yoyos.
Breaking news: this just in, live image of @Glenacius_K talking to a random furniture owner:
- Top too narrow for three piece halves
- Leg diameter too narrow for one pieces
Therefore, I don’t want it as my family kitchen table.
In fairness, it was an intentionally bad, quickly made post.
There’s only so many extant PNG pics of tables.
It is, in fact my favourite yoyo meme now.