Hella whats up?!?!? It’s time again for String Burn LIVE! The first and foremost LIVE! video webcast on the whole of the interwebs. This week we are brining you a review of the HSpin/Oxygène highbred yo-yo, the H20.
Because this is a particularly controversial yo-yo for some people, I want to make a special request…. If you have any questions/issues about the H20 that you would like addressed in the review? Please email us at stringburnlive@gmail.com and we will do our best to address your issue and answer your question.
And did I mention that you could win an H20 of your very own donated by HSpin yo-yos and 20 GString Yo-Yo String donated by HighSpeedYoYo.com. WOW!!! That’s a lot of prizes!!! Isn’t that terrific?!?! Terrificywific!
Also a trick tutorial and yo-yo news highlights from this week in yo-yo!
Email us at StringBurnLIVE@gmail.com
Call us and leave us a voicemail at 210-STBURNL
And become of a fan of the show on Redirecting...
The time of the webcast again is Saturday Morning at…
• 10am Central
• 11am Eastern
• 9am Mountain
• 8am Pacific
Oh my goodness! I have questions but I will wait for the show though! Seriously. This is one yoyo I am looking forward to. By the way, HSpin is very generous.
I do have one question. Why is it so controversial?
It’s 8am and that means just 2 hours until String Burn LIVE! goes LIVE! There is still time to send us an email at stringburnlive@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 210-STBURNL.