San Francisco Bay Area Yoyo Meetup Interest?


I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a yoyo club for the S.F. Bay Area (San Francisco, the Peninsula, the East Bay, Marin). We could meet somewhere easily accessed by BART or Caltrain, possibly Union Square, 4th street Berkeley, Stanford or Downtown Palo Alto.

Let me know if you are interested!


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we do have one in san jose, which is fairly close by

There are already 3 major yoyo meets in the bay area.

2YO in San Francisco:

Spindox in Alameda

Fellowship Of The String in San Jose

There is also the Santa Cruz Yoyo Club but I can’t seem to find a page for that although I know they meet monthly.



interested. ive never played with another yoyoer before. im in the bay area.

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@codinghorror didn’t you mention a yoyo club in the bay area?

I was/ am looking for Santa Cruz area.

Yes the Spin Doctors in Alameda, CA

The location has not changed since 2011 for the record… last two times I went, it was at that location :wink: