Was wondering If anyone could help me out here. I recently was lucky enough to get a sadr. It’s agent number 5. I have decoded the message on the box and it said “secret agent decoder ring”. I tried decoding the side of the yoyo and no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to do it. It’s driving me crazy!!! Also there’s a note inside the box that’s a page long all in binary code. It took me 30 minutes to get the side of the box and I really don’t want to have to spend all day decoding the piece of paper. Please help!!! What does the side of the yoyo and the paper mean? Thanks
it’s written in a super secret language that only a select few can read that takes hundreds of years of schooling. Lucky for you though, I’ve learned it well.
(it’s written in binary, give me a bit for me to translate it, I’m not exactly fluent.)
I’ve tried it before in a binary translator on the web and I can never get it to come out correctly. It always says that the text must be divisible by 8. Other translations work just fine, but this one never has, and I’m pretty sure I must have copied it correctly at least once.
Thats the only part that I got out of a binary translator. This is what the first couple of lines translates to - The rest came out with gibberish. I may have missed a number or something and messed the whole lot up so take it with a pinch of salt.
And stuff the paper binary, I would go insane try to put that into a translator.
I think there’s something to this. Now two of us had no luck with the translator. I’ve been wondering for a while if maybe there isn’t an error. Seems unlikely, but I’ve never had a problem translating binary from any other source.
binary for capital S is 01010011, which doesn’t appear on the yoyo. Not you messing up, it was the engraving that’s incorrect.
and it is supposed to be divisble by 8, so that makes sense. Characters in binary are 8 digits, each digit representing 2^x (x being that place). (for example, 10101101 would be 2^7 + 0^6 + 2^5 + 0^4 + 2^3 + 2^2 + 0^1 + 2^0, or 128+0+32+0+8+4+0+1 = 173, which isn’t actually a character, but you get the idea)
Capital A is 65, or 01000001, B is 66, or 01000010, etc etc. then after Z, it goes to lowercase letters.
as you can see the box ends in 100111 while the yoyo ends in 000101. 2 totally different sets of code. Anyone want to take on the challenge of the paper?
Fairly certain all of those collaborations listed never reached the light of day. Heck, they could even be complete fabrications; totally preemptive to the possibility even being discussed with any of the other companies. I don’t know for sure though. Knowing Heath, though, I’m keeping it within the realm of possibility.
Pretty sure that Battosai production run happened, unless all the ones sold on YYE were prepros? And the TI Battosai, again, I have no clue. Never heard anything of it though, so very unlikely unless like one exists.
the box says secret agent decoder ring, written correctly.
the yoyo says secret agent decoder ring, written incorrectly. The beginning and end of the binary written on the hub of the SADR is gibberish. (ecret Agent Decoder Rin are written right, but the S and G somehow got lost in translation)
Thanks for the new info. It’s weird that Heath would get the box right but not the actual yoyo. So strange. Anyone try doing the paper yet? Come on people take the challenge!