As one other suggestion, since you briefly mentioned simple mods that can be done to improve performance, in my experience a satin finish will improve grinds even further on a celcon yo-yo and it only takes a couple minutes to do by hand, so that may be a topic to include in future reviews. I understand how you would omit this from the review if you didn’t find it necessary to personally add the satin finish to this one, but I was just thinking along the lines of a go-big-or-go-home type of mentality, which the rest of this review seems to reinforce.
Nice job though, fun read. Looking forward to more.
You are right, however, I gear my guides towards the average consumer, and would rather not be blamed for someone incorrectly satining their yoyo or someone deciding to do it to an anodized metal and coming here blaming me for it so I could add it if the appropriate precautionary disclaimers are included.
Though just for the record, I do not feel it necessary.
I think I’m going to have to get my hands on another Kickside so I can have one double sili’d and the other I’m going to sand down the starburst and single pad recess it. Hmmmmmmm, I see a project coming on ;D
Too bad she sings bad music with them.
Back on topic though.
I wonder if any colors other than the ones available were made, like Spingear specials. I noticed Kickgirl 1 and 2 but I didnt see any special colors with them. I suppose I can just buy whit ones and dye them whatever…