Review: BTT Yo-Yo Ball

Lol try throwing it down when the box is still on it sleeps ;D ,but it doesn’t come back

Don’t forget to wait for the lining up of the planets. It’s a crucial step that many noobs forget.

As my neighbor will tell you, during next occurring alignment on 12/12/2012 @ 12:12:12 PM the Nephalim (probably 12 of them) will return on the planet Nabooru and you will be far to busy cramming for the A+ certification test, so you can be a slave technician on their planet/spaceship thing, and save yourself from execution, to be screwing around with the yoyoball. Recommend getting the Alister Crowley edition that already has the screaming silly putty gingerbread man things installed. I think they have them @ CVS and Rite Aid.