Rally vs shutter vs suggestions

-Do you know how to bind the yoyo? (If you don’t know what bind means then you don’t know how)

-Do you have a yoyo that you own or played with that you have liked very much? Describe every detail. Eg. what kind of friction stickers you are using, cleaned bearing or not, and so on.
I liked the code 2,summit,supernova,super G, and some more. i dont do anything with the bearings, but usually change them.

-Do you have a preferred shape of the yoyo? Answer it by saying like the shape similar to this or that yoyo. Some people just hopping into the yoyo groove haven’t tried all the shapes and want to explore. When this happens its all about experimenting. Please try new yoyos at contests or anywhere you can get ahold of someone for those of you in this situation. The more yos you try the less likely you are going to order something you don’t like. for those of you who live in a cave. then buy a yoyo and live with it.
i like H shape. The shape of the code 2,for example,is really nice to me.

-Do you have a preferred weight or weight distribution? Answer it saying similar to this or that yoyo.
not really…

-Do you have a price range?
$0-40 (will go 45)

-Do you have a certain amount of yoyos narrowed down? List them.

-Do you prefer a certain brand?
not really. probably YYF. where I buy, they dont have many brands like c3,werrd,etc.

-Are you looking for a yoyo that specializes a style? Like looping, off string, freehand, etc.

-Do you prefer a certain response syetem?

-Do you want hubsstacks or z stacks?

-What trick are you currently working on?
im at advanced part 2, but i havent learned anything in a while now.

-Do you want a yoyo to Thumb grind or arm grind good?
no, i hate grinds.

What do you guys think i should get? im going to try a shutter and rally tomorrow, so ill edit this. i hear the raptor is really amazing. im not a huge fan of the shape, but i hear its really good anyway. the shutter is, well…a shutter ;). and the rally is supposed to also be be good. (sorry dont know much about these yoyos :stuck_out_tongue: ::))
what would you choose? thanks guys! ;D

Personally I’d say the rally. It’s the best thing I’ve ever touched for under $50. It’s the shape you like… It CAN do grinds if you’d like to, and it’s pretty much perfect overall.

If you’re trying them both don’t ask us. We’ll just mess up your opinion of what you actually like

Actually yeah. Ignore me, I missed that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just saying, I’ve got the shutter and it is so amazing