Rain Drop Counterweight from Rain City Skills drops tonight at 5pm

Rain Drop Counterweights and begleri release tonight at 5pm Pacific/8pm eastern.

Check out the video below for a preview


Countdown up now:


Here’s Dylan Kowalski’s review of it.


I notice that when you go to the store, Brands - Shop All Brands - Brands P-S, Rain City is not listed with the other R’s.

Thanks, I’ll pass that along to Andre!

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Same with RSO

What is ROS?

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Sorry RSO lol

Lol, still doesn’t help.


They don’t have a brand page just like you in the brand bar thingy

Ahhh, gotcha. Thanks, I’m a terrible businessman, I don’t pay nearly enough attention to the “competition”. Lol.
Also, are there really 100 Dad’s sharing the one account? How do you all manage that :wink:

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Nah, just a name me and my friend came up with. We thought it was funny.

MOst excellent!