Rain Dance

Hey guys, I got kinda of discouraged when people say I’m not fast enough, I’m not smooth enough, all that stuff. Well, I made this vid to prove I can yoyo faster. Please subscribe, rate, and comment!


You don’t need to prove anything to the community. Especially something like how fast you yoyo. Forcing speed into yoyoing results in sloppiness which is somewhat present in this video. Just concentrate on your own speed and just get everything nice and flowing. Other than that, good job!

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THAT WAS AMAZING!!!( nice job by the way.)

That was sawesome.

Wow that was GREAT! :o

Don’t worry about the people who say that. ‘Cause you are really fast and smooth at the same time. A lot of people can’t pull both of those off at the same time. You are a great yoyo player and if you keep on throwin’ you will become on of the best. I just know it. :wink:

By the way going slow isnt bad. It can be really flashy.

yeah. that says it all.

That combo was saucy. :wink:

An easy way to get a little faster is to cut the string a little and make tricks more compact, that is what makes it look fast :slight_smile: or create tricks (like ladder escape) that have all the strings close together, those also look fast :slight_smile:

Even better then being fast, is being stylish. Look at Guy Wright. He is some true inspiration.

awsome trick