/r/Throwers Community video!

We made a video over on reddit to celebrate how awesome the reddit community is.

Join us if you like https://www.reddit.com/r/Throwers/

Awesome video. Inspires me to get better.

LOVE community videos like this. Very cool indeed. ;D

I should have really been in this…

Man that was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. So cool to see how different everybody’s style is haha.

I feel this deserves a bump. It bought a lot of new players into yoyoing (I think there were like 700 new people joining the subreddit or something), so it represents something good for the community. :slight_smile:

I just joined reddit recently and did not think to look for yoyo stuff there. Im still figureing our the sites layout, etiquite, and all that, but i just joined up there. If you see a “KindVapour” poking about, thats me :slight_smile: