is there anyone that yoyos around montreal area ? im mister lonelyyyy, im so lonely, need someone to playyyyyy hay hay hayyyyy !!! (hep i realy just wrote that) ;D
I’m new to yoyo but i do live near Mtl, —> Laval
Hi, ti both of you! My name is Alex, I live im Montreal, Saint léonard, to be precise, we have a club of around 10 or so active members, hit me up, I’d love to hang out with you both and bring you guys to a meet!
Sounds like you guys north of the border need to carpool down to Easthampton MA for one of André’s contests or YYE throwdowns It’s not that far…
The Montreal crew is a great bunch. I’ve gone twice so far for meetups. Would go more often, but I have kids. You’re lucky to be there; meets are a fairly regular thing especially in the warm months. You have access to world-class players like Alexis JV and Reggie Dias… plus some of the other supposedly “normal” players are far from it… there are some highly skilled players!
Moral of the story: if you live in Montreal, you don’t need to be a lonely thrower. There are people to throw with. In Ottawa, it’s a different scenario… I’ve only just recently finally met someone else who throws!
Chimera: I’ve gone down to Easthampton 4 times in the past 2 years. It’s worth the drive, but I already knew people before going. A carpool scenario is a great idea, because then you at least know the people you came with.
Andre is super-accomodating, though, and his events are top-notch.
cool !!! thanks guys, dindnt know so much people actually threw around where i live, tough i was the only one with a weird hobby, hope to go on a meet and throw with you guys, but i dont live in montreal im in joliete but it close enough