ZipLine Strings X Pyrotechnic’s Burnt Love Moth Ballz
↓All credit for these pictures goes to ZipLine Strings
Half white swap will be exclusive to ZipLine.
ZipLine Strings X Pyrotechnic’s Burnt Love Moth Ballz
↓All credit for these pictures goes to ZipLine Strings
Half white swap will be exclusive to ZipLine.
Name a greater thread than this one… I’ll wait…
Gosh… my ZS.Air strings have lasted so long I didn’t even realize they had new colors up.
Edit. And then I go to the website and see that the new string is selling with your mothballs. Super Cool!!
I am looking to get a throwback butterfly fitted with a d bearing and silicone. Have I come to the right place?
Yeah I can do that
Oh yes!!! Send me a PM or something. You highwalled and siliconed a FHZ for me in the past, so I have your PayPal info if it hasn’t changed.
I know it is going to be a little pricey for the work and the SPR kit. Don’t care. I want a seasoned veteran to make me a killer 1a butterfly that is uniquely mine. Throw in a schmoove ring if you feel it needs it.
Every mod technically has to start with some concept piece, or maybe in this case an Origen story.
This is a first/only of it’s kind Freehand Zero with an Origen hub. We also decided adding a schmoove made this all the more a special mod.
We get some weird and not always possible mod requests. At first with this one we didn’t know where to begin. Chopping a perfectly good yoyo never seems like a good idea. But that’s what seemed like the best option we had as far as readily available parts.
This one definitely tried to fight the process, some scars to prove it. Broke more than one of our cutting bits. In the end we completed the piece so we could play a first of it’s kind… A Freehand Zero with a MR85 bearing. Amazingly out of a yoyo we basically had given up on fixing.
We had several of these Freehands that the center was already cut away. We evened them out in depth and size. Really all they needed was a new hub. We didn’t feel we could make them ourselves and looked for solutions several years ago. At one point thinking we might want wood fixed axles for them.
With inspiration from this FH-0rigen we decided turn to 3D printing. Which was finally a connection to design exactly what we needed. Also helps that printed parts are fairly light weight compared to other materials.
Thanks to Keith @TryCatchThrow for designing and making our first set of spacers.
Also helping with revisions, since we now have a 3D printer of our own. Which made the process of testing and adjusting so much quicker.
3D printing is such an exciting addition to our production. It opens up so many new possibilities, we can’t wait to prototype more new designs and products.
These green and blue ones we’ve selected to send for Modern Responsive March along with some other goodies.
These are all available including the ones I previously posted.
Perfect Yoyos for the upcoming MRM event!
I am so impatiently waiting for my Hubstack BoltXP to arrive. It’s in my city. The no mail today got me. Ugh!
Is the Purple and White one a modified Freehand 2?
Watch out for Yoyo Aquisition Disorder! When I came back, I bought everything. Found my Joy in responsive and continued to buy…
Snapped this quick pic of it before we boxed it. Glad we had on hand all the matching red hubstacks, Moth Ball and threader. Seems very fitting for a Bolt especially.
Speaking of matching threaders I hadn’t got to posting these yet. But this was the bundle we put together for secret Santa of the MR85FH.
Yep there’s there’s 3 different freehand 2s with the MR85 spacer available along with all these Freehand Zeros we did. The white and blue(it’s dyed so a bit deeper blue more so than purple) one was part of some of the last we put together because we were waiting on bearings.
I still have a few pictures of the ones that were bought to edit as well.