Hey Whats up Yoyo Community, I Was Wondering If I Can Get Some Professional Combo tutorials cause i wanna learn complex tricks like the pros do but cant find em anywhere and dont know what there called.
Thanks, And hope To Hear U Sone ;D
Hey Whats up Yoyo Community, I Was Wondering If I Can Get Some Professional Combo tutorials cause i wanna learn complex tricks like the pros do but cant find em anywhere and dont know what there called.
Thanks, And hope To Hear U Sone ;D
i’m not sure if i’m allowed to link to here (if i’m not could a mod remove this?) but i think tuts by xela are pretty pro
Check out Raytsh on youtube. He has some of the most complex tutorials I have seen. He doesn’t give step by step instructions, usually just does the trick really slow. I’ve never had any trouble learning from him. Here’s the link:
Alexis Jancorda-Vadinas is good at tuts too. These aren’t as pro as Raytsh, but good trick elements and such.
There’s also Zammy, or zamstrom, who has headcam AMAZING tutorials.
I tend to use saveyoutube.com to save a pro youtube video. The take it down to 25% in Mindows Movie Maker and learn like that if there is a good camera angle to learn. If you want a trick from a video link it and say which seconds so for example :23-:42 and I will try to learn it and make a tut.
hiro has some pretty dope pro tutorials
Can someone make a rethinkyoyo style tutorial of the bnidarge or something trick by xela? Its at the top of the page mentioned by pickachucanyoyo!
I wanna know how to do that kindof trick!
Make up your own ;D I do.
There is always this guy, I hear he makes pretty good tutorials
kyle from rethinkyoyo is a god. if you want to approach expert level then learn from him is a must!