Practice yoyoing

I practice yoyoing as much as I can, but I don’t get a good skill to play, it disappoints me.
3 months to get a ninja vanish, 2 months to get a and whut… this is normal? or does yoyoing really not work for me?


or am i old? :laughing::laughing:


Don’t get disappointed. Focus on having fun, and practice a few tricks at a time rather than just one


We all learn at different speeds, and with different styles. So, while it may be frustrating, try not to let it get you down. Also, you will probably see that some tricks click quickly, others take a long time.

It is good advice to have a few tricks you are working on, I think that helps me avoid frustration. I like to tell myself that it isn’t a race to learn tricks, the reward of learning a trick is the sense of accomplishment and the benefit of making my brain stretch to learn new moves and commit them to muscle memory.


do not quit yoyo just keep practicing if you are watching Yotricks’s videos make sure you watch there tips and tricks part as well


the learning curve is different for every yoyoer


French nailed it with this. Don’t get discouraged my dude!


Seeing a trick you want to do and then trying to learn it can be frustrating if you don’t have the pre-requisite skills. When learning a new trick have you tried breaking it down in parts? Of course you have, but have you considered if there is a common element that slows you down? Maybe it’s snapping the string around, or maybe it’s whips, or something else. If you can recognize that element and then practice simple tricks that focus on that element you may find coming back to the trick that plagued you much easier.

I find that when people pick up yoyoing, they move very quickly in their progress, often aspiring to greater tricks before having obtained many fundamentals. Speeding past these missed fundamentals basically goes unnoticed until they hit the WALL. When you have been progressing at a rapid pace and then get stuck in the mud it’s just frustrating.

If this is the case go back, relax, and practice some simple tricks that focus on the elements that are tripping you up. If not just forget you read this. lol


I am “old” and it takes me forever to master most tricks too. I think this is the result of a combination of the fact that I am not a little kid whose brain acquires new motor skills very quickly and the fact that even when I was a little kid, my brain never acquired new motor skills all that quickly. IOW, I’ve never been a prodigy when it comes to physical activities, and now that I’m in my 50s, that fact is only magnified.

Having said that, I have found it necessary to adopt the following mantra:

Never give up on a trick. Ever.

I have found that every single trick that I ever thought was beyond me eventually became a trick I could do consistently after enough practice. Sometimes we’re talking months of practice, and along the way it can feel like it just ain’t ever gonna happen. But it eventually does. Eventually. The key is not giving up.

Because as a wise man once said, if you keep trying there’s no guarantee you’ll succeed, but if you give up it is absolutely guaranteed you won’t. If you really want to learn a trick, then you have to give it however much time it takes and never give up on it.

Ultimately I guess it comes down to motivation level and available time.


Don’t try to learn something new on the yo-yo for more than 20-30 minutes. 20 minutes over 3 days is better than a single hour session.


I’m slow. I’ve been trying to do yuuki slack the last two days. I get so FRUSTRATED. It looks easy in videos. Just work on other tricks at the same time. You’ll get it eventually.


^ this

Don’t focus on just one trick, it makes throwing feel bland

Learn one “unobtainable” trick to try every now and then…along with more “obtainable” tricks that should be a normal part of your routine

Also, don’t neglect learning new binds…I know too many yoyo heads that only know one bind, binds are tricks too!! (Same goes for regens)


Yeah, I really gotta learn some more binds… :pensive:


yes, sometimes I lose sight of the fun of yoyo


The anxiety of learning great combos leads me to jump the fudaments.
I will stop and improve the fundamental tricks.
Put aside the anguish of learning great combos in a short time


dude, i’m 39. never really picked up a yoyo before. i’ve been going for 2 months. so far, i have rock the baby (NEARLY 5 swings!) and eiffel tower. Don’t feel bad. take your time. bettter to have fun than stress.