Posting wooden yoyos to the US

I’m not as familiar with them. I worked with guitars for years, CITES is what we dealt with 99% of the time, so became quite familiar with them.

Well after more research, it’s become pretty clear that posting wooden yoyos to the US is a no go.

It’s a shame really. Lately I’ve been making some ultra nice yoyos out of Australian woods. I’m in the process of getting my branding together, and I may have even ended up selling them on the YYE store.

Never mind. You folks in the US already have plenty of great wooden yoyos to choose from.

Check into wood that already has documentation. If you have the paperwork on wood that says it meets the various qualifications and that it’s not illegal then you can ship a lot easier.

In the musical instrument world Cole Clark and Maton guitars use native Australian woods and are shipped to the US all the time. I use to be a dealer for Cole Clark.

Some times there are loop holes for “Finished products” also, if the wood is known to be a safe wood (not harbor insects or disease), and not endangered, then it may be fine to ship these to the US.

Just a couple other options that just came to mind.

I finally managed to get a hold of the American Embassy here in Australia.

They told me it was perfectly fine to post wooden yoyos to the USA! It’s great to finally have a clear answer.

I will be listing my yoyos on my BST again soon. :slight_smile: