I dont like asking this but please like and subscribe, for the past few months even if i post pretty consistently my channel has been doing horribly with views and i want to get back on track
Fwiw youtube doesn’t count views when people watch embedded videos ( like here). Idk what your goals are but I recommend enjoying playing yoyo and not considering how many views your vids get idk! Just my opinion
I loved the slow chill vibe of this one. I get that speed is important but when you slow down you have a very nice flow to those tricks. And that thing in the second video.
First trick I’ve learned in awhile.
Dumped a couple frontstyle tricks and some 5A
Saw @GTDropKnot do this lindy loop magic drop jadewhip thing and had to learn it. That’s a braintwister trick, hehe.
I’m still working on getting the flip release consistent. Sometimes it arrives ‘late’ lol (exhibit A below).
Added some hooks to it.
Yooo! Let’s goooo! That’s an element I learned at club! Shoutout Chicago Yoyo Club! I think it is a Takeshi Matsuura trick but I’m not 100% sure…either way it’s a dope element! Nice!
crazy slack QUINTUPLE tower
this took so long to hit
Sometimes, there are things that fulfill the notion of repeating themselves.
This is a combo I’ve been working on.
Corkscrew Fingerspin Tower DNA Thingy