Polyester Thread: Serger vs Embroidery

Looking to get some opinions between the 2. Ive used glow embroidery mixed with nylon and that came out great but would love others thoughts as well. Trying to decide which one I want to buy moving forward

Serger thread is like the poly that most every company uses. It’s softer, frays, and is generally used on your clothes or other stuff.

Embroidery is a more shiny, and slick material. The only brand I know that uses it is Markmont’s. These can be finicky when trying to figure out the reduction, and they tend to come out more rough feeling than the regular serger poly.

Both serve good purposes imo, but the Serger type thread is definitely the more commonly used.


I figured most companies use serger since I never see shiny string lol I feel like thats a mised opportunity though, I kinda like the shiny bits :sweat_smile: I could see them avoiding it because of the grit though, took me a bit of tweaking to get that reduced to almost nothing.

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I would agree and say it definitely is a missed opportunity. It makes for some nice string imo. To avoid such a gritty feel you just add a lil bit of wooly nylon.

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Im doing like a 85/15 nylon/poly blend with the embroidery stuff and it plays beautifully lol mixing it with nylon really does make some good string

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Have you tried the frosted matt stuff from madiera?

No, that’s the first I’ve heard of it.

It’s mainly been experimenting with a lot of different nylons. I haven’t explored enough embroidery stuff yet.

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Well give me a couple weeks and Ill report back :rofl:

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